--- Ok, so here's the quick recap: Philip Linden discussed stuff. Then, Robert Bloomfield of Metanomics got to discuss some stuff with Philip Linden. Now, Benjamin Duranske of Virtually Blind & Robert Bloomfield teamed up to discuss the discussion.
Special appearances included Christian Renaud, Wagner James Au, ‘Dusan Writer,’ Nic Mitham, Tish Shute, ‘Betinna Tizzy,’ and Roland Legrand. It's a maaaaaad orgy of genius. Check out right here for all the intelligent synthetic universe talk: Philip Rosedale: Interview and Expert Reactions
"Koinup's Burning Life Directory In my weekend Open Forum on favorite sites in Burning Life, Silvy Noel points out a pictorial directory and photo archive of BL places on Koinup, an NWN partner. (Like this place at left, a chill DJ club in the heart of the desert.) If you have a Koinup account and want to share Burning Life sites you vist, just shoot SL screenshots as postcards, then upload them to Koinup's server; the X,Y,Z address automatically filters them into the social network's BL content stream. Details on how to do that here."
Amazingly awesome of Torley to post this tutorial. Personally, I find myself choosing to use Sony Vegas (video editing) and Sony Sound Forge (audio editing) most of the time. Thank you Torley for covering this topic
"Matching music to visuals is fun and pretty easy to do in Sony Vegas, my fave video editor. After trial and error with various means, I figured out a practical way to do this with MixMeister BPM Analyzer. It works best when the music has a strong, steady tempo — most modern pop, rock, and dance will do. Works lovely for your music videos, action-packed cinematics, and more."
John McCain just takes what he wants, without any regard to laws, permissions, and legalities. In fact, I bet McCain doesn't even know what he did wrong:
--- Jackson Browne DID NOT want McCain to use his song, and decides to sue him (RIGHT ON!)
11:15am - 12:00pm Thumper Bucher 12:00pm - 2:00pm 2 Live performers to be announced soon 2:00pm - 4:00pm Desmond is trying to get Von for this time period 4:00pm - 6:00pm JC (via Marqi Entertainment)
Preshow hangout and mingle and music with Doubledown. 11:00am - 12:00pm Doubledown Tandino 12:00pm - 1:00pm Sir Brennen 1:00pm - 2:00pm Derrick Stewart 2:00pm - 3:00pm DJ from Marqi 3:00pm - 4:00pm Desmond
Second Life, the virtual home to over one million residents worldwide, will host an major music festival in support of Senator Barack Obama’s historic run for the Presidency. Obama for President, Second Life’s largest pro-Obama group, is inviting Obama/Biden supporters from across the country for an afternoon and music, fun and activism.
Obama Fest is a drive to register some of the more than 50 million Americans who failed to register in 2004. Obama for President will set up virtual registration computers, with links to online voter registration sites. Experienced group members will also be available to answer questions on registration procedures and deadlines, as well as specific Obama policy questions. Obama for President founder Keith Mandell (Second Life Name Cubsfan Pugilist) says Obama Fest ’08 hopes to go beyond inspiring Obama activity in Second Life: “The goal of Second Life events is to reach people who might otherwise be unreachable, and encourage them to become involved in Senator Obama’s real-life campaign, at a time when such involvement is essential for victory.” According to organizer Sienna Harris, another goal for Obama Fest ’08 is encouraging Second Life residents to give generously to Senator Obama’s campaign: “we want to make sure he has the funding needed to get his message out.”
Obama for President is Second Life’s oldest and largest group in support of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Founded in January 2007, it boasts 1313 members, and is part of a pro-Obama Second Life network of 2924 Members. Obama for President has been featured on ABC World News Tonight, the Wall Street Journal, and numerous Second Life in-world publications.
Denise Hill Sienna Harris in Second Life 412-462-2382 (home) 412-361-8560 (work) 412-225-6953 siennaharris2008@gmail.com
Basically it is an international forum and provides a lot of opportunities for both experienced and inexperienced DJ's. There are lots of remix contests and opportunities for downloads for free of some of the best music to be heard. There is no charge for membership, and the members help each other with all sorts of things including how-to's for different mixers and other equipment. Mostly they do promo for young talents, hence the name. All genre's of electronic music are to be found here, and the members interactions are both interesting and informative. At the present time there are over 11,000 members and most of them are active members meaning that they use the different forums and participate in what I believe is over
The also do offer paid promotion services at a very reasonable price, and all proceeds from this go directly back into FOEM to support their efforts. They also have a net label for releases to their members. They have recently started to do visual releases as well, and have a few vinyl releases out.
Who we are - What we do:
FOEM is an independent A&R agency, promotion agency, licensing agency, talent resource and netlabel, driven by people from all over our small planet. We just love the music and do not want the private individuals to pay for it. The music is completely free and legal to download.
Our intention is to distribute electronic music from artists of all electronic music genres. The CDs are downloaded by private individuals as well as by talent scouts, record labels, advertising agencies and companies which need the music as content for their media productions. FOEM negotiates the contracts for the artists.
THE LINEUP: RL artist names (scroll down for SL names) - SLT (secondlife time)
07.00 am Gabor Turbo 07.45 am Green Lannock 08.30 am Genome Diesel 09.15 am Clik Magic 10.00 am Ionic Benton 10.45 am Acidkills Sideshow 11.30 am Mamoo Mannonen 12.15 pm Samp String 01.00 pm 2ndthoughts Brando 01.45 pm YuzienBorn Janus 02.30 pm Dave Attenborough 03.15 pm Altern8 Mcmillan 04.00 pm Tiari Eun 04.45 pm Pson Zanzibar 05.30 pm Zam Robonaught 06.15 pm Maxiboom Boram 07.00 pm Quirin McCallen 07.45 pm Elisha Richez 08.30 pm Grip Talon 09.15 pm Jubilee Ceriano 10.00 pm Zar Boa
Thanks to Justine Perenti, Eliza Moody, Elisha Richez, Elizabeth Hallstrom, 2ndthoughts Brando, GRIP Talon, Tiari Eun, Mamoo Mannonen, Doubledown Tandino, Robot Recreant, Alfred Kabuki, SiKK Designs, F.A.T. Designz, and many others that just popped in with great input!
"It's been a dream of 2nds and mine for over a year now to introduce FOEM artists into sl, and it's finally happening!!! :)) " -Justine Perenti
Doubledown's preface: I am not sure if this is a 100% legit truthful story. It may be a total internet hoax... It may be some info that was embellished into this.... Either way, whether it's fake or real, you'll read it and think to yourself, "Bush can't do that" .... well, the fucking dipshit asshole running our country CAN! He's shown he does whatever the fuck he wants.
In 2006, Congress passed the "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act." The bill was vaguely written and voted on months before the '06 election.
The bill's political purpose failed-- Republicans lost control of Congress, and the bill's primary House author, Rep. Jim Leach, was defeated in his reelection bid. Unfortunately, the law lives on. This month, the regulations that will implement the 2006 act are nearing completion at the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Department of Treasury. The rules will significantly expand the reach of U.S. government oversight, bringing new scrutiny and enforcement activity to a wide range of online activities.
Broadly speaking, there are two areas of internet activity which the government intends to regulate. The first is online sports betting-- wagering on the outcome of sports events-- which is relatively easy to identify and control. Indeed, it is already very difficult to transfer funds to an online sports betting web site.
The second area targeted by the new regulations are "games of skill"-- such as online bridge or backgammon, some types of fantasy sports, predictive markets such as InTrade, and communities involving transactional activity like Second Life. This area is far more diverse and difficult to define, identify, and control. As the Federal Reserve itself noted in April testimony, “The activities that are permissible under the various Federal and State gambling laws are not well-settled and can be subject to varying interpretations,” and that both the new law and proposed regulations "did not specify what constitutes unlawful Internet gambling."
Because it is nearly impossible to ban actual web sites, which can be easily moved around the internet, the law targets the payment processing systems (bank credit cards, PayPal, etc) that make the internet economy work. The law makes banks evaluate your personal charges and block transactions which involve activity in these two areas. As Congressman Ron Paul testified in April,
"The regulations and underlying bill also force financial institutions to act as law enforcement officers. This is another pernicious trend that has accelerated in the aftermath of the Patriot Act, the deputization of private businesses to perform intrusive enforcement and surveillance functions that the federal government is unwilling to perform on its own." To be clear, banks to not want this new burden. They bear liability under this new regime, and as a result will be very conservative when it comes to determining what types of web sites should be blocked under the regulations. Already, the U.S. Attorney's office has extracted tens of millions of dollars in fines through online gaming and related enforcement activities. For example, when eBay acquired PayPal in 2003, the company had to pay a $10 million fine to settle online gambling charges. And that was before the passage of the 2006 act substantially raised the stakes for the banking industry.
With the new rules under final consideration by the Bush Administration, the potential penalties will now expand to a broader category of internet activity, stifling innovation and economic growth online. The financial service providers will be even more risk-adverse and will implement blanket bans rather than take the risk of a case-by-case approach. The new federal rules will result in bans on processing for many activities such as low-stakes poker online, even though those activities are legal in most states.
Ground-breaking sites like Second Life will likely fall victim to this expanded reach. Second Life has a successful in-world economy that involves, in part, trading and developing real estate with other community members. The Second Life economic system has hundreds of thousands of users trading 5.3 billion "Linden dollars" which are freely convertible to U.S. dollars.
Given the new risks and burdens the proposed regulations places on the U.S. banking system, there is little difference between trading real estate in Second Life and other “games of skill” that the regulations target.
The new rules will clearly stifle innovation and the creation of new forms of online interaction. It will be impossible to distinguish new forms of collaborative economic activity from the wagering “games of skill” targeted by the law. For the payment processors, it won't be worth the legal risk to even try.
Further, these skill-based online activities will not only be banned for consenting U.S. adults, but for users accessing U.S. sites from anywhere in the world. Again, it does not matter if the “game of skill” is legal or not in the user's local jurisdiction. Federal law, as implemented by these new regulations, will make it illegal, and the feds are empowering your bank to analyze and block any offending transactions.
The new regulations also mean it will be more difficult for U.S. technology companies to operate on a global basis. It is a recipe for moving more technology companies offshore. Already one of the most innovative predictive futures markets covering U.S. elections, InTrade.com, operates in Ireland.
On Tuesday, September 16th, the House Financial Services Committee will hold an emergency mark-up of legislation that attempts to address this urgent matter. The bill is a compromise that will make online sports betting illegal, but delay the implementation of rules governing "games of skill." Instead, the bill would require formal rulemaking so that the impact of the new regulations on communities like Second Life can be fully understood.
Andy Meets.......... The new weekly event hosted by Andy Moon on his private Esate. Every week a new installation, from minimal architecture to crazy environment and unreal areas.
Always the best DJ´s will be Guest of Andy Moon. Its a session, so the Guest DJ´s decides about the style! Its a DJ Event so any Guests presents his unique style and can play open end. Andy is opening the Session with a 2 hours Set and try to play (meet) the style of the invited DJ.
ALL DJ´s play for Tip only so never forget to show your Linden Love to them.
Machinima makers of Second Life may want to jump on this contest, especially because the total money jackpot they're giving out is a whopping $125,000usd!!! That's 10 $7500usd awards and 10 $5000usd awards!
The film project: "Make a 3-minute film about a person with a Digital Crib" could easily be won by a talented SL machinimist. In fact, in my opinion, a good SL video could easily place up in the winners circle among any live-action when the task at hand is about digital technology. WOO! I hope a SLer can take this one home for the pixelated peoples! Remember me when you win a crapload of money!
* Make a 3-minute film about a person with a Digital Crib
* Make a 3-minute film about the Crib
Find someone who has a passion for digital technology and is using it in their home in a unique and creative way. Interview them in their space and get them to talk about what they do, why it excites them and how they are using technology in their personal lives. Your subject should have lots of personality and be interesting and engaging to a wide audience - this is a great opportunity for them as well. This person should mention their favorite digital service and who their service provider is. The second half of your entry will be a separate clip that gives a tour of the tech equipment and a look at how this technology has impacted the life of everyone living in the Digital Crib.
All submissions must be uploaded through the Filmaka website by October 13, 24:00 hours PST DELIVERABLES HD preferred but not required In your native language with English subtitles Photo & info about you & your subject
Cisco strongly prefers submissions in High Definition Video and 16 x 9 aspect ratio, however, no one should fear exclusion because they don't have access to HD equipment. Creativity is most important in your submission. We want to hear your interview in your native language - but subtitle your clip in English (if you are not a native English-speaker). Filmmakers submitting to this competition should upload a clear headshot and bio to their Filmaka profile and be ready to provide more information about themselves and their subject if they are selected as winners.
For more details on what Cisco is looking for, click here.
10 Brand Awards of $7500 each
10 Voter's Choice Awards of $5000 each
Possibility of having your clip featured on Cisco.com as part of the Digital Cribs marketing campaign
Cisco and Filmaka will select 10 Brand Winners to receive $7500 USD each. The remaining films will then be voted on to determine 10 Voter's Choice Winners who will receive $5000 each. Both Brand and Voter's Choice Winners may be featured on Cisco.com or other websites as part of Cisco's Digital Cribs promotions. These clips will be distributed across over 200 video sites and blogs.
The winning filmmakers will likely have their work seen by millions of viewers!
Drew Carey takes us on a guided tour of Second Life (SL), a virtual world with more than 500,000 residents.
But SL isn’t your typical virtual world. Unlike other popular massively multiplayer online role-playing games, like EverQuest and World of Warcraft, there are no defined roles or objectives in SL. Just like in real life, SL residents determine their own goals and decide for themselves how best to achieve them. Moreover, virtually everything in SL was created by the residents themselves using tools provided by Linden Lab, the company that launched SL in 2003.
SL is based on a simple set of institutional arrangements that would make F.A. Hayek proud. In essence, the people who own the property in SL make the rules. The result is a spontaneously ordered world in which residents are free to fly, teleport, build, trade and interact with others without interference from the state.
Recently, Linden Lab—the SL equivalent of a state—has begun acting more and more like a real life government by restricting activities such as gambling. But open source competitors based on the SL platform are currently in development. so better virtual worlds offering even more freedom are just around the corner.
Rezzable presents the 2008 Global Music Festival live on the grid, sponsored by Languagelab. The festival is a month long showcase for live DJs and performers working with non-English based lyrics and international beats. Great sounds and energy will flow across the metaverse. Starting September 3rd running till the end of September, the festival will be hosted across the more than 20 rezzable virtual world areas. Also check out our SL Photography Contest 'Captured Proverbs' for the SL photo-fanatics!
I got a nice warm feeling about the future, followed by a feeling of nausea. These smart-alecs that can create virual worlds may be missing the point. Each virtual world is about community & collaboration. The users make the world, no matter how much the company prefabricates it. The entire concept of "virtual universe" or "virtual internet space" is a brilliant thing..... but do we need 50 of them???
I was watching this video, thinking, there's 50 (or more) collectives... or groups... or companies.. or just one smart nerd in the basement.... making these virtual worlds... for people to log in to and collaborate in.... however, not one of these virtual worlds has yet to work with another virtual world. Practical virtual spaces have been in operation for over a decade. Not ONE of these worlds has yet to connect to another.
My view: I watch this video of 50 of the same concept, with the same redundant technology, and same perspective of the internet. It's about time these virtual universes start collaborating much like their users inside.
----------> REASON.TV - Episode: Second Life <------------ Here it is! Drew Carey's "Reason.tv" ... tonight's episode: Second Life. This appears to be an episode not yet released, but as I mentioned months ago, Drew and I met up to have a little chat, and that I would be appearing in an upcoming Reason.tv episode featuring Second Life.
I want to especially thank Drew and his Second Life crew for using 5 ORIGINAL TUNES of mine for the episode!!! I cannot express how appreciative I am at the music usage.
Drew Carey (Who's Line is it Anyway, The Price is Right) is a top-list comedy producer, writer, actor, among many things. He is also an activist. Not only an activist, but the right kind of activist. The kind of activist the world needs. I have always loved Drew Carey's entertainment work, however I have never been more thrilled and appreciative with the work that he is doing with Reason.TV. I encourage everyone to check out, many, if not ALL of the previous episodes.
1st Thursday at Cetus is here! And we want you to join us for new art and great entertainment!
Thursday, September 4th.
What is 1st Thursday? 1st Thursday is the rejuvenation of art in the Cetus Gallery District! Gallery owners are breathing new life into their spaces with fresh exhibits ready to open on this day of events. YOU are invited to explore this vibrant arts district and discover what's new!
We'll be hosting some fabulous entertainers for your enjoyment:
2-4pm SLT DJ Doubledown Tandino spins his eclectic blend of deep artistic beats in live DJ mixset
7-8pm SLT Winston Ackland returns to Cetus with a LIVE set you won't want to miss
8-9pm SLT JAMBA Losangeles is back with great music to wander the galleries by
9-10pm SLT DJ Jaxx Tardis is on the stream to wrap up an exciting day of art and music
So bring your friends and join us for top-notch art and friendly conversation at the 1st Thursday events throughout the district on September 4th, and every first Thursday of the month.
With so much at stake, there is one candidate that may be able to make the difference. Tandino has surprised both Democrats and Republicans with a grass roots effort. This candidate has made many wonder: Who is Doubledown Tandino?