Thursday, July 14, 2011

Internet Evolution's IT Video Project

When I received this email, I immediately thought of Second Life and it's users.

From my email inbox:

Internet Evolution is about to embark on a truly groundbreaking new video project, and I wanted to see if you would like to get involved.

We're looking to create a video case study about a company embarking on an important new IT project in the second half of this year.

However, unlike most case studies (which take place after the fact) our case study will follow the project from planning, through implementation, to trouble shooting and completion.

Projects that we are highly interested in covering include: cloud computing; analytics; social media in a business environment; security; or an upgrade to a company's computing and middleware systems.

The core of the case study will be three short (five minute) documentaries covering the before, during, and after of your project. These documentaries will be filmed by our professional film crew on location at your company premises at a time that is convenient to you. Each one takes about a morning to film.

We'll also outfit you with a video camera and the training required to upload occasional project updates.

The purpose of the case study is to highlight the great work that IT professionals such as yourself do every day. Our goal is to highlight your success for others to learn from. And, of course, as well as making you a star (and a corporate hero!) we'll also compensate you for your time.

Interested? Please drop me a line at if you would like to know more about this exciting new Internet Evolution project!

Nicole Ferraro
Executive Editor, Internet Evolution