Sunday, December 13, 2009

Zak Claxton Goes Mixed Reality for his Album Release Party

Zak Claxton's Album Release Party Goes Mixed Reality (Real Life and Second Life) Live.

Zak: "This was the first time I did a hybrid show that hit both a real life audience and an SL crowd at the same time. I found that I wanted to be able to pay more attention to my digital fans who hung around during the show, but the real people had to take precedence. NO matter, it was fun for everyone."

Check out the videos and pictures of the event on Zak Claxton's Blog here:

Album release party at The Bean Counter (12.11.09)



Zak Claxton said...

Doubledown, it was great performing for both worlds at the same time. I really think the future of the concert-going experience will evolve from little shows like this. You already have huge acts like U2 doing video streams of their shows on YouTube. I think this will be more and more routine for all artists looking to maximize their audience.

In any case, thanks for mentioning the show. :)

Unknown said...

Your next step would simply be to have someone operating the second life portion. They would be able to reposition the camera on the RL screen, talk to people in Second Life, and connect the dots.